103rd Street Station, NYC.
After my experience with the photos of Cartier-Bresson I’ve been trying alot to walk in a 50mm lens and take the world in black and white, and that’s the philosophy that i’ve carried over to philly. fortunately or unfortunately, only time will tell.
B&W has been a staple of my photography routine for awhile now. in fact most of my self-declared best photos are in B&W. it mirrors the way i see the world, in many ways. freed from the complications of colour, one is free to explore shape and form, tonality and texture. often, one already knows the approximate colours of the objects in focus and the brain subconsciously does the extrapolation, leaving the eyes free to observe. Writers need only words to construct a world, sure it is not impossible to document it with grayscale?
Budden! , Philadelphia, PA. Look for the word “Budden” in the second paragraph. apparently, Singaporeans weren’t the first to use the word “Budden”… it might even be a colonial relic, shock horror. lol.
Quick fact : Philly was the first capitol of the states, before DC was formed. this means that it, along with the rest of the coastal towns, retain much of that 18th century colonial flavour, comparable to cities such as Boston, MA and Savannah, GA.
This also means that it is absolutely slow if you’ve just come down from New York. I’m starting to see why a true Yankee would probably look like a hyperactive nutcase in Philly. (Not to say that New Yorkers dont behave like that in general, lol.) Much of what I said about Portland holds true here : Nothing to shout home about, but I still think that a city is better off too slow than too busy.
I Wish We Were On This Chair Together, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA.
There are only 2 things left on my itinerary that I truly still wish to see, the National Archives and the Smithsonian Aerospace Institute. That, and the usual things people see in DC. seriously not much else. I think I’m already done with philly, lol. Just SOME GLORIOUS CHEESESTEAK YO!
Home looms large. I’m pretty okay with everything, I guess. just another step in this transient existence that still gets to me. Better to be alone or to deal with the drama that people bring? I’m no longer too sure.
We travel the world wanting to learn more about it. Nobody ever mentions the things we learn about ourselves.
Try #6, Philadelphia, PA.
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